Wednesday, November 26, 2008

he's a model child...literally!

We got some BIG news at the evans household on Monday, November 24, 2008.

My phone rang and this nice lady was on the other line.

She said,

"Hi, Melissa. This is Nancy calling from Fisher-Price. We would like Carsyn to come in for a photoshoot tomorrow at 11:00. Would that
be possible?"

Possible? YES, YES, YES!

We had sent Carsyn's photo in response to an ad in Western New York Family Magazine. We just thought it would be fun for Carsyn to be able to participate in this as the Fisher-Price Company is only 15 minutes from our house. It was such a fun, fun experience. Everyone in the photo studio was so nice and Carsyn had a great time. It was fun because my Mom was back from Florida and she went with us and we made a day of it. Carsyn posed for "Play My Way Bins" which are not even in stores yet (obviously) but look for Carsyn on your toy store shelves in four to six months!

Even though we couldn't take any pictures during the photo shoot, we were able to take a few of Fisher-Price and Carsyn at the Toy Store spending his hard earned money :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

he gets cuter every single day...

last night carsyn and i had a little date. i had to run an errand to williamsville and completely forgot that 5:00 p.m. is rush hour. yeah, you can tell i haven't worked in awhile! so we got there and i needed to find a way to pass some time until the traffic slowed down. mimi (a/k/a grandma evans) sent carsyn mcdonald's gift certificates for halloween so it seemed like the perfect opportunity. carsyn was such a good boy and ate an entire cheeseburger so i let him order an ice cream cone. we got up to the counter and i said, "tell the lady what you would like," to which carsyn replied, "i want a giant ice cream cone!" it was so adorable.
then when we got home i decided to play the piano for a bit. every time i got up carsyn would sit in the seat and say, "mom, i have to practice for my concert."
oh my gosh...where DOES he come up with this stuff?!?!

Friday, November 7, 2008

hi, i'm a superhero.

one of the things i love most about being the mother to a little boy. little boys have their "quirks". they attach themselves to an item and carry it around for days, weeks, even months. little boys have wild imaginations and such creativity. the other day our little boy wanted to be a superhero. i'm sure this was prompted by the 1,000,000th view of the incredibles :) at any rate, daddy was quick to help carsyn realize his dream. with a black pillowcase, a bit of shoelace, footed pajamas and some awesome winter boots with dumptrucks on them carsyn was transformed. he wore the outfit ALL DAY. i really wanted to take it off, but then i thought better of it. he's only this age once. this day will only happen once. let him play! so off to the store we went. i went to ollie's where steve works and carsyn was in the cart. he saw a customer and said, "hi." she replied, "hi." then carsyn said, "i'm a superhero." yes, you are, bubbie...yes, you are.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


hi everyone!

the website was getting a little too complicated to upload to because it is so overloaded with pictures and updates. i'm not deleting the website, just moving updates to this blog as i hope to update more frequently as it will be easier. this way, you can just pop in from time to time or even add me to your blog manager (if you're blog obsessed, like me!) and see how we're all doing.

now on to the good stuff :)

we have all been enjoying the fall so much! in september carsyn and i started attending MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) at church and we are both enjoying it. not only are the meetings encouraging and motivational, but they have so many activites that we get to participate in. for example:

apple picking:

we also went to a little market called zittel's near our house for a fun fall activity:

we've also been doing some very fun activities as a family:

the great pumpkin farm:

swimming class, which carsyn LOVES!

and, of course, halloween with our little scalliwag:

as you can see, it's been a busy and fun fall season. carsyn is growing so much and talking a mile a minute! he is just so much fun and continues to bring joy to our lives.

lots of love,
steve, melissa & carsyn